Sunday, June 10, 2007

Our baby boy!

I haven't really posted about our 'soon to be adopted child' b/c I've been trying to just get the feel for this blogging thing...but I recently realized that without a bit more personal info, the blog just seems a bit bland. I am hesitant to put very personal info (real names, pics showing my kids 'faces, name of our town...) out there b/c I'd like to blog about my kids and sometimes about the more controversial topics out there is IA land...without the possible repercusions that would come from giving up too much identifying info.

Since we will be travelling in the near future to China to adopt a son/baby brother, I will discuss some of the details.....the main reason being b/c we are adopting a Waiting Child and I would like to encourage others to find out more about the program....

Our son (LittleMouse 3) was born with a cleft lip and palate. He is over 12 months old and has yet to have any surgery to correct the cleft...this will be done soon after he arrives in Canada (his first medical consult is just a few weeks after we get home). He is a gorgeous, strong, chubby, and bright boy - if his referral info is correct. Developmentally he seems to be advancing quite well...perhaps ahead of schedule in a few areas. He has been in foster care, so he has had the opportunity to be given more attention, possibly more food and a more stable home environment than had he been in an institutional setting. We are grateful for this! We anticipate that he may be quite angry with us for taking him from his foster family, but we are prepared to help him adjust. His older brother and sister are so excited to be travelling to China....They are both experienced travellers, so we don't worry about them not being able to roll with the punches. If you've read earlier posts, you'll have seen that I've already been packing ...wish we were already there!

I've noticed that I've been getting a few more hits lately on the blog...I'd love to see comments from you is you've stopped by...even just to let me know you exist ;)



Rhonda said...

I know you exist...does that count? :P

D said...

Yes, counts ;)
Glad to see you posting!

Elizabeth said...

Ah the anticipation. Too bad you wont post pictures, but I understand. I just love to gaze on their little faces.