Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Group Dynamics...

I found out today that there may be another family in the WC (waiting children's) Program, like us, that will travel to China at the same time....but to another province for week 1, and we will join each other in Beijing. We already know that we will travel with another family to the 'province' and then meet up with a group of NSN adopters from other Canadian provinces (not Ontario).
I have mixed feelings about travelling with the group in Beijing...kinda wishing it was just the 3 WC families. On the plus side, we will save a bit of $ on the Beijing part of the trip due to group rates/discounts. On the negative side, we will be herded around on a bus as the group travels, does sightseeing and meals. We may opt out of some of the group things...we'll see. Some of you reading this may think I'm being unreasonable about the big group travel, so I'll try to explain a bit more. Last time we went to China (to adopt LM2), we travelled with mnay other families in a large group, and it was great. We have maintained close friendships with several of the families since adoption and we get together 4 or 5 times a year. All of our children on that trip were healthy (a few had colds, repiratory illness - but nothing serious), the dynamics of the group were awesome - for the most part, everyone got along extremely well (there was one parent who had a meltdown of sorts one afternoon - but no biggie) and for the most part, it was a fun, exciting trip. I guess I'm just thinking that this trip can't compare to that one, so I'm setting my expectations lower.....just for the group dynamics part...not the adoption of our precious LM3. I think that perhaps it couldn't be any better than the last trip...so then that means it can only be equal or worse. Last time we knew names, phone numbers, addresses, email addresses months in advance for each family in the goup. This time, we don't have any of that info...it will arrive next week and I will make an effort to contact some families by phone or email. Last time, the majority of families were from Ontario...this time, the NSN families are all from provinces other than Ontario.
I know I shouldn't be bitching about this...it not like there's anything I can (or should, for that matter) do about it....its just been on my mind.
I am glad to have the other WC family going to the same province/SWI as us...and perhaps the other WC family that we can meet in Beijing....maybe we can form our own 'group within a group'?
OK...enough whinging for the day...I'm off to use the electronic brain cell buzzer (TV).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.