Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Is it September yet?

OK...I said I wouldn't be back until September, but I'm inMAJOR blog withdrawl....tring to fill the void with my crackberry, but its not quite doin the trick. Not bad in a pinch, but still not my laptop.
...OK...had to pause right there for a few minutes of screaming, whining, crying....maybe I was too quick to come back.....
School starts on Tuesday....then I'll really be back. Is it wrong to be counting down the days until my first and second born begin school? Did I mention that its full days Monday to Friday? Did I mention that LM3 and I will get to nap EVERY day when school's on? Is it wrong to be excited to have some quiet time?
To keep the sanity until then, I've been doing some late night reading (while I should be sleeping)....the last Harry Potter book (amazing!!!), Middlesex (Oprah's book club pick....still reading this one and loving it) and also some 'start our own business' some ideas up my sleeve.

The screaming has begun again....time to put them all to bed....
See ya in a few days......until then, have a great labout Day weekend.

1 comment:

crazylady said...

It's perfectly normal to do the 'back to school cha cha' with drink in hand. I did.