Wednesday, January 16, 2008

early, early childhood memories?

After discussing some 'adoption issues' today with some other parents of children fro China, I started to think about early childhood memories. I'm not sure if research has ever been done on the earliest its possible to have memories...too lazy to actually google it tonight. Anyway, I'm wondering if its possible that my daughter, adopted at 12 months old, could have memories of the time before her adoption. According to her, she does. She 'remembers' details about a caregiver. The details she has shared are interesting and not related to any other topic that we've discussed with it begs the question - Are these real or imagined memories? Does it really matter? I'm not sure it matters, so I choose to treat her memories as real and valid. I believe that if I questioned these memories at this time, it would give her a sense that perhaps she shouldn't open up about her adoption. She is four years old. I've heard that this particular age is when regular discussions/questions are often requested by the child...that is if he/she has been given the message that adoption is a comfortable, valuable, interesting topic to discuss. We've always been open with T about her adoption...we talk a lot about China, about our trips there (she's been part of both - her adoption trip and E's adoption trip this past summer). She is quite proud of being 'Chinese and Canadian' and she finds great comfort in hearing about the day that we met....we go over that time and time again...its very sweet to hear her now tell the story.

The real reason I am even thinking about memories is because I often question whether issues that come up are just part of childhood, or if, in fact, they are adoption related. In our particular situation with T, I tend to think most things are regular 'kid issues'...not so with E. I see more 'adoption related' issues with him. But, he was adopted at a slightly older age and he seems much more comfortable expressing his stronger feelings (like anger, hurt, diappointment, frustration) than his sister....personality, gender or again with the 'adoption issues', I'm not sure. The ironic thing with E is that I immediately felt bonded, connected and attached to him...not so with took us both a little while. E has attached to me, but its still a bit shaky at times....we have our days where I could swear he could care less that I'm his Mama...but we're working on it and I just love him to bits :)

I think I'll be discussing this more on one of my Yahoo groups....not sure if there is even anyone reading this blog anymore..... but if you are, I'd l ove to hear what you have to say :)

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