Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Where, oh where has my little blog gone?

Crap.... Has it really almost been two months since my last post? Let's do a little catch-up:
1. Hired nanny
2. Nanny agreed to take job and then quit before she started...while waiting for work permits etc...
3. Interviewed and hired another nanny...this time she's in Taiwan...will take about 8 weeks to process paperwork and get her here....but taking into account Xmas, Chinese New Year etc....will no doubt take longer :(

I really had my hopes up with the first nanny...why she waited several weeks to let me know she no longer wanted the job, I just don't know. I suspect it may have something to do with a preference among many nannies to be in the Toronto area...rather than the small-ish town near Lake Erie where we live. People seem to have this idea that we are an isolated community here...kinda burns my ass in a way! Personally, I think we are in a great area to access MANY other great areas....we are a bout 1 1/2 hours from downtown Toronto, about the same to London, about 45 minutes from Hamilton, about 1 1/2 hours from Niagara Falls...kinda convenient if you asked me...but, alas, she didn't :(
So, we are back to square one with the nanny situation...waiting the next candidate to arrive from Taiwan....I wonder how shocked she'll be going from Taipai to this town?
On the holiday front....Santa has been and gone at our house!!! Yipee, we are past the presents, the really high highs and the inevitable lows that follow and now we can concentrate on what this fam-damily REALLY likes to do at this time of year...LEAVE THE COUNTRY!!!! We will soon be marooned on a beach for 14 days....I see mucho Pina Colada's in my future!! I see a well used Kid's Club, massages for me on the beach while the Kid's Club is getting well used and did I mention that I won't be lifting a finger at meal time, but to grab a plate and fill it with food cooked by SOMEBODY ELSE!
Can't make any promises about when I'll be back to the blog...let's say sometime in early January.


Thumbelina's Mom said...

Take me with you! PLEASE!

crazylady said...

Well aren't you just a ray of sunshine! Okay, so technically you're buying it, but it sounds great.Have a wonderful holidays
