Monday, October 8, 2007

Thanksgiving Weekend update

I haven't felt very bloggy lately....just kind of in a funk. Feeling a bit better after spending most of this weekend at Great Wolf Lodge in Niagara Falls....the kids absolutely loved it! I think we spent more hours in water for one weekend than we ever have...including when we go on va-cay to the Carribean! Our littlest man was the most difficult to convince that it was time to get out of the pool...he even managed to go down a few of the smaller water slides...this boy has no fear :) We jam-packed our weekend with water slides, story time, arcade games, glutonous meals at the buffet restaurant and even a horse-drawn hayride on Saturday night. I do have pics that I will share as soon as I can get then transferred to disc from the disposible camera that I was forced to buy after forgetting the digital ;(

Speaking of pics, I have decided to go only semi-anonymous...meaning: some pics, some more personal details, but without 'real' names - letters only. House Mouse 1, my biggest boy (almost 5) will now be called "N". My girly, girl (almost 4) will now be called "T" and our little man, House Mouse 3 will now be called "E". (If you happen to actually know us in person, you're probably thinking that I've chosen such original pseudonyms ;) My hope in all this is that the blog will be a bit more interesting to those that have started to read it, yet at the same time, keeping things a bit protected. I really hope to keep this blog within the adoptive community only, therefore, don't mind sharing more personal details at times.

Back to this weekend's happenings....This afternoon, we spent some time at our local county fair...takes place each year during 'Thanksgiving Week'. It was quite unusual this year in that it was actually warm weather...actually, hot, uncomfortable weather for this type of event. Most years, we end up bundling up in warm jackets, sometimes even mittens and hats have been required. The warm weather actually changed the whole focus of the fair (for me, anyway). My main goal, since I outgrew the rides, has been to eat my way through the fair...seriously. Let me explain the annual event more clearly. I start out with one dixie dog slathered in mustard (painted on with a brush, actually) - Bryan's Dixie Dogs only! Then I make my way down 'greasy food alley' towards Bev and Suzie's chip wagon - THE best fries in town. Then I need somewhat of a thirst quencher, so its fresh squeezed lemonade at the booth with the big line-up (can't remember the name). After walking through a few of the buildings (chickens, rabbits, horses, commercial buildings etc...) it is nearing the time to go home (because some years there have also been slices of pizza, BBQ beef on a bun, giant kosher pickles and one time even an elephant ear added to the list!!). On the way our, I travel a very clear path - first to Laur's booth for a few sticks of taffy (blue raspberry and wintergreen), then to the cinnamon bun place for a few take-home bundles of sugar topped with more sugar. Next is the apple cider booth for a jug of something 'healthy'. It varies slightly from year to year (depending sometimes on certain cravings if timed at that special time of the month), but my take home stash has also included a candy apple or two and sometimes a bag of caramel corn. By the way, I've been reading about this 'new' eating disorder...something to do with 'overeating' or 'binging'!! I figure its once a year and my diet starts tomorrow ;)

While at the fair, we did manage to see some old aquaintances,see some real characters (can you say 'barely a set of teeth between an entire carload of folks'?) and actually meet some new people. I finally had the chance to meet another adoptive mom from this area with whom I've been communicating with online for several months (hi JAJ!!). You would think that living in the same smallish town, we would have run into each other by now. It was nice to actually meet her and her family in person...her gorgeous girl reminds me a lot of my T when she was that age...ahhh memories. And her youngest son is quite the charmer....I think he and I could have had hours of interesting conversation...what a cutie :)

My little man...I mean "E" has decided that its not quite sleepy time I'd better go reintroduce him to his bed...but I'll try to post a few pics before I go....

1 comment:

Thumbelina's Mom said...

Love the pictures!!!

Loved meeting you, too =) and Bev's and Cinnamon buns and salt water taffee...almost makes the fair bearable.