Friday, April 20, 2007

Some stuff going down in IA land...

I started this blog so that I could do something a bit different than what I've already been doing throughout our current adoption. I have another 'adoption journal' on a cutsie, 'everything is perfect here in international adoption-land site'. But, truth be told, not everything is so rosy all the time. Things can and do go wrong. Disruptions, unexpected illnesses after adopting a child, corruption, baby trafficking, unethical agencies, and my personal pet peeve - the internet groups that claim to be 'Christian', yet so easily slam anyone who speaks outside of what has become the norm in adopt-speak.

It seems that lately, I've been reading more and more about the 'dark underbelly' of IA...are more and more people running into trouble or are more people just now willing to speak up?
Case in point - one potential adoptive parent (PAP - kinda a yucky acronym) was recently denied an adoption of a child in an Asian country b/c of the colour of her skin (turned down by the Asian country, not her own) . Her agency is trying to bring about a favourable resolution to this situation, but in the meantime, plenty of people seem to be running scared that any mention of this case could put all potential adoptions in this country in jeopardy. Is this really possible? Is all this 'walking on eggshells' really necessary? If so, what does this say about the state of IA in general? Or about the relationship between the sending and receiving countries?

Personally, I'm becoming more and more disillusioned about the whole process the more I research and read. My immediate solution is to see where this leads me in term of continuing to find out more. I'm far from an expert parent or IA expert, but what I am is one of many, many parents who are ALREADY parenting a child who joined their family through that obligates me to keep searching for answers.

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